This is a virtual space for the collective memory that is formed from the daily experiences that you dedide to share with us and that you have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. All different stages we have been through since it started.

  1. The news of a fulminant desease that is comming
  2. The closing of a big part of the economic activity and the calling to stay home
  3. The new normal that is different for each of us according to our life conditions

The idea is to make visible how much have changed, or not, in the day to day life of those who decide to participate through micronarratives that you can make in differente formats such as audio, video, text, image, or any format that is most suitable for you. When refering to everyday life, we refer in addition to the everyday experiences, to the radical imagination that we all have developed to face the uncertainty that exceptionality of the pandemic has imposed on us.

This project is part of the Transdisciplinary Laboratory of the Transdisciplinary Institute in Literacy (ITRALI) of the University of Guadalajara (México), so we are interested in collecting the micronarratives of our community, however, is not restricted to just this community, and is a space open to local, national and international society.