Laboratory for transdiscipline and academic disruption (LabTRANS):
Mayra Moreno
I use the pandescope as a way to approach the current situation and to make catharsis of the pandemic that we are experiencing, together with my students, it is good that we all talk about the ups and downs that we have had throughout the pandemic.
Sandra Cobián
I have used the pandescope in an emotional literacy workshop aimed to teachers, who in turn have used it with their students as a platform to express their emotions throughout the pandemic 🥰
Gibran Zúñiga
The pandescope became the visible bridge that exists between reality and fiction of those stories of extreme crisis that force us to rethink life, not only from what can be considered philosophical but also from the experiential, it forces us to sit down a moment to answer questions that we would not have asked ourselves as a collective in other situations. And they go from the collective such as “what is fair in working hours?” to the most individual as “on what do I base my emotional health?”
Edgard Flores
I use the pandescope as a window to new realities. When we started the project, i thought to use it as a catharsis space, but i have found more interesting to know the multiplicity of ways people found to live and endure a situation as extraordinary as the one we are living with the pandemic.
Mayra Moreno Barajas
Mayra investigates about mexican contemporanean audiovisual, specifically regarding the insurrectionary visualities that propose critical or alternative discourses and that dispute the dominant narratives imposed by audiovisual governance. She is also interested in the political in art, understanding this concept from a micropolitical and decolonial perspective. Lately, in the fields of literacy, she is interested in multimodality in literacy and the questioning of hegemonic education and academia from this discipline perspective. She teaches at the University of Guadalajara in art-related degrees and in the Master’s in Literacy. In this same institution, she is responsible for the Laboratory for Transdiscipline and Academic Disruption at the Transdisciplinary Institute in Literacy of CUAAD (University Center of Art, Architecture and Design).
She has a PhD in Cultural Studies from the “North Border College “, Tijuana, Mexico, and a Master in Visual Anthropology and Anthropological Documentary from the “Latin American Faculty for Social Sciences”, campus Ecuador. She is also a trained psychologist from the University of Guadalajara.
Sandra Elizabeth Cobián Pozos
Sandra has a Master in Learning Technologies from University of Guadalajara, she is also a trained psicologyst by this same University. Her academic and professional career has focused around didactics for learning, didactics for the appropriation of reading, and teacher training. She has colaborated in national evaluation groups for learning habilities such as crithical thinking and problem solving (OECD’s AHELO study), she has also colaborated in international groups to evaluate open learning resources from the Open Education Consortium.
She has eight years of teaching experience and is an external professor in the Master of Learning Technologies program. She is co-author of the article “Emotions in learning: lessons from neuroeducation and the student-centered approach to learning”, she is also co-author of the book “Didactic strategies for the appropriation of reading”.
Gibran Octavio Zúñiga Urzúa
Gibran is dedicated to eploring everyday narratives from the experiential in different platforms, not only literature, but also the day-to-day forms an approach in wich we structure the everyday stories where everything influences and everything mixes. From a remix perspective in wich nothing is original based on difference but on origin, in addition, all cultural product being a constant mixture is crossed by all aspects of the social, there is no speech without politics or economics, besides to the aesthetic and academic conceptions from which its elaboration starts, and faced with this position, the questions of how we tell what we tell and the foundations we use to tell it generates an approach to literacy.
He teaches “creativity and multimedia development”, also other subjects in communication such as “e-practice” and “digital video editing” at the University Center of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Guadalajara.
Edgard Alejandro Flores Ramos
Edgard has a degree in Computer Science from University of Guadalajara and is dedicated to web design and development since 2006. He has worked in different areas of different University Centers such as CUCEA, CUAAD, CUVALLES and the General Administration of University of Guadalajara. He has been a teacher of databases, education applied technologies, educational video and hipermedia. He’s currently in charge of the technological development area at the Transdisciplinary Institute in Literacy.
He is a regular contributor to the children’s publication of letters to fly “La Gacetita” (little gazette), first as an illustrator for different sections and now as a writter for the tech section.
University of Guadalajara:
Dr. Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí General Chancellor
Dr. Héctor Raúl Solís Gadea Executive Vice Chancellor
Mtro. Guillermo Arturo Gómez Mata General Secretary
Dr. Carlos Iván Moreno Arellano General Academic and Innovation Coordinator
Dr. Francisco Javier González Madariaga Chancellor for the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design
Mtro. Arturo Verduzco Godoy Head of the Department of Theories and Histories
Dra. Patricia Rosas Chávez Director of the transdisciplinary institute in literacy